Student Life » 2024-2025 PHS Austin Wells Branch Handbook

2024-2025 PHS Austin Wells Branch Handbook


         13801 Burnet Rd. Suite 300, Austin, TX 78727

  P: (512) 614-4537| F: (866) 563-6438 |

Dear Panther Families,

Congratulations! We are very excited to have your child attend Premier High School Austin Wells Branch for the 2024-2025 school year. We have made some significant changes that will affect how we function as a school. With that said, we truly believe these changes will benefit our students. Our partnership is key for a successful learning experience. Please continue to encourage your child to give his/her best effort by attending school every day, showing up on time and prepared to learn and work in class, show a good attitude, model respect to everyone, and be a responsible young adult. This will help provide a quality learning environment for your child as well as the entire class.


PHS Austin Wells Branch is a small school with the opportunities of a large school, which we know is why many of you entrusted us with the education of your child(ren). Our staff at both the campus and district levels prides itself in ensuring that our students have as many educational opportunities as students in much larger schools. As an "A" rated school, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards so that there will be no shortage of opportunities for your child(ren) to feel challenged daily with high-quality instruction and have a wide variety of options to get connected to their school and fellow students.

As demands and complexities to teaching students continue to increase, it becomes more evident that we all need continue to work together to ensure that your child reaches their full potential. We believe that we all, the school, and the community, must work together in an extended family environment to ensure success for all our students. We believe it is everyone’s responsibility to empower our children with good decision-making skills necessary for them to become academically, socially, physically, mentally, and emotionally successful and responsible.


It is our desire to keep you informed of all that is taking place at school. If you have questions or concerns that arise at any time, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher or me via email.  When you contact school personnel try to remain as objective and open-minded as possible. We realize you are representing the interests of your child, and we will strive to always be professional and objective about any situation. Our goal is to provide an engaging and career-oriented educational experience that will prepare all our students for life after high school. The diversity and challenges experienced in our school will prepare our students for the next phase of their life.

We strive to keep our students engaged and interested in learning. Your child’s teacher will arrive at the school at 7:45 AM and will be available until 4:30 PM.  Please be advised that you will need to schedule a mandatory conference to discuss your child’s 2024-2025 Graduation Academic Plan.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.




Veronica Phillips, M.S. LHRD

Campus Director

Premier High School Austin Wells Branch

(512) 614-4537

[email protected]