School Dress Code

The goal of Premier High School Austin Wells Branch is to ensure students thrive in school and attend each day. We have made some exceptions to the dress code that will be allowed on campus. While we are trying to be flexible with our students, attire must be modest and not be distracting to the school environment. 
Students will be allowed to wear:
Frayed, cut and slightly ripped jeans (appropriate length required)
Colored hairstyles 
Tattoos (Inappropriate or gang related tattoos must remain covered) 
Hooded shirts/sweatshirts
Caps and Hats
Yoga Pants and Pant Leggings  
Pajama bottoms
Items not acceptable:
Remaining items in the district dress code not mentioned above.
No backpacks, no purses, no pencil pouches, no make-up pouches. No exceptions. 
“We hope these changes will reduce inequitable and unnecessary discipline and help us maximize learning time”
- Veronica Phillips, Campus Director, Premier High School Austin Wells Branch